This is a video of testimony from those who have been directly affected by pregnancy due to rape or incest, fetal deformity, or threats to the life of the mother. It includes my own personal testimony (I’m the second person interviewed and my story is in several different sections throughout the video).
Juda Myers (Choices4Life) and Keith Humphrey (ProLife without Exception) worked together on this video. Juda commented regarding the video, 'This video is only a very small percentage of the multitudes of stories in our society. Most are silent, but hopefully as others see the courage and truth of these stories they too will give back the shame to the rapists. Women and children of rape conception NEVER should be (made to) carry that shame. Society must give us justice. The rapists are the criminals.'
Father, I pray that You minister to the heart of each person as they listen to our stories. May there be healing and restoration that takes place. In Jesus' name, amen.